services I offer to help you and your family heal & thrive

Monthly Group Membership

It Takes a village

Group Monthly Calls


2x Monthly Calls

LIVE with Allie your

"Health Advocate MamaBear"

no long-term commitments—just continuous support

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Feeling Overwhelmed on Your Child’s Healing Journey?

I understand how daunting it can be to take that first step toward healing, especially when you're unsure where to start. The fear of feeling lost and unsupported can be paralyzing. That's exactly why I've created something truly special to guide you every step of the way.

Join us for these exclusive, interactive sessions and become a part of a supportive community dedicated to your child’s healing and growth. This membership is designed to provide you with ongoing support and a taste of the journey ahead, with no strings attached.

Why You’ll Love Our Supportive Group Calls::

Live Calls Twice Monthly:

Connect with me and fellow parents during live calls every two weeks. Share your experiences, ask questions, and receive personalized guidance tailored to your child’s unique needs.

Flexible Subscription:

Join and leave at any time. There are no long-term commitments—just continuous support when you need it most.

Limited Spaces:

To ensure that every parent receives the attention they deserve, spaces are limited. Act fast to secure your spot!

Affordable Support:

At just $34 per month, this membership is designed to be accessible to all parents seeking guidance and community support.

Don’t miss out on joining my membership because this is the BEST way I can help you directly. Let’s embark on this journey together and create the positive change your child deserves.

Comprehensive Initial Consultation: Your Path to Optimal Health


$100/60 mins

What will you get in one hour (60 mins) working with me

a detailed review

realistic goal setting

define health goals

personalized meal planning

The Comprehensive Initial Consultation is designed to provide you with a thorough understanding of your current health status and create a personalized plan for your complete healing.

What to Expect:

1. Extensive Health History Review: - We begin by diving deep into your medical history. This includes past and current health conditions, surgeries, and any other relevant health information. - We'll discuss your family medical history to identify potential genetic predispositions.

2. Diet, Supplements, and Medications Evaluation: - A detailed review of your current diet, including daily food intake and eating patterns. - Assessment of any supplements and medications you are currently taking to ensure they align with your health goals.

3. Lifestyle Patterns Analysis: - We'll look at your lifestyle choices, including physical activity, sleep patterns, stress levels, and overall well-being.

4. Goal Setting: - We will work together to define your health goals. Whether it's managing a chronic condition, improving overall wellness, or achieving specific health milestones, your goals will guide our approach.

5. Necessary Testing: - We will discuss and identify any lab tests or diagnostic evaluations that may be necessary to gain a clearer picture of your health.

6. Personalized Healing Protocol:

- Diet Plan: A customized nutrition plan tailored to your specific needs and goals.

- Herbal Plan: Recommendations for herbal remedies that support your healing journey.

- Lab Work Plan: A structured plan for any lab tests required to monitor your progress.

- Emotional and Spiritual Counseling: Guidance and support to address the emotional and spiritual aspects of your health.

Important Note: Herbal medicine and lab testing are not included in the price of the intake appointment. These will be discussed and recommended based on your individual needs and goals during the consultation. Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and tools necessary to achieve optimal health and well-being.

Book your Comprehensive Initial Consultation today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you.

Your kiddo & family deserve to thrive

Comprehensive Health Transformation Package



What will you get in 3 hours working with me

extensive wellness history

possible lab testing needed

follow-ups & refinement

personalized attention

Unlock your path to optimal health with our Comprehensive Health Transformation Package.

This package includes three personalized sessions designed to provide in-depth support and guidance for your wellness journey.

Session Breakdown:

1. Initial Consultation (60 Minutes): - An extensive health history review, including diet, supplements, medications, and lifestyle patterns. - Goal setting and identification of necessary lab tests. - Development of a personalized healing protocol, including diet and herbal plans, and emotional and spiritual counseling.

2. Second Session (60 Minutes): - Follow-up on initial consultation findings and protocol adjustments. - Review and interpretation of any lab results or diagnostic tests. - Refinement of diet, herbal remedies, and lifestyle recommendations based on progress and feedback.

3. Third Session (60 Minutes): - Comprehensive assessment of progress and outcomes. - Final adjustments to your personalized health plan. - Long-term wellness strategies and maintenance tips to ensure sustained health improvements.

What to Expect:

- Personalized Attention: Each session is tailored to your specific needs, ensuring you receive the most effective and individualized care.

- Ongoing Support: Continuous evaluation and adjustments to your plan ensure that you stay on track with your health goals.

- Holistic Approach: We address physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of your health, providing a well-rounded approach to healing.

Important Note: Herbal medicine and lab testing are not included in the package price. These will be discussed and recommended as needed during your sessions. Invest in your health today with our Comprehensive Health Transformation Package and experience the difference personalized, holistic care can make.

Book your package now and take a significant step towards a healthier, happier you.

Our kids deserve to live optimally

Ultimate Wellness Journey Package



What will you get in 6 hours working with me

extensive health history

follow-up review & refinements

advanced wellness strategies

fine-tuning meal plans/diet

prep for long term wellness

evaluation & resources for on-going support

Embark on a comprehensive wellness journey with the Ultimate Wellness Journey Package.

This package includes six in-depth sessions designed to provide you with continuous support, personalized care, and expert guidance on your path to optimal health.

Session Breakdown:

1. Initial Consultation (60 Minutes): - An extensive health history review, including diet, supplements, medications, and lifestyle patterns. - Goal setting and identification of necessary lab tests. - Development of a personalized healing protocol, including diet and herbal plans, and emotional and spiritual counseling.

2. Second Session (60 Minutes): - Follow-up on initial consultation findings and protocol adjustments. - Review and interpretation of any lab results or diagnostic tests. - Refinement of diet, herbal remedies, and lifestyle recommendations based on progress and feedback.

3. Third Session (60 Minutes): - Ongoing assessment of progress and health improvements. - Further adjustments to your personalized health plan. - Introduction of advanced wellness strategies and holistic therapies.

4. Fourth Session (60 Minutes): - Continued monitoring of health progress. - Detailed discussion of any new symptoms or challenges. - Fine-tuning of diet, herbal, and lifestyle plans to optimize results.

5. Fifth Session (60 Minutes): - Comprehensive review of overall progress and achievements. - Addressing any remaining health concerns or goals. - Preparation of a long-term wellness maintenance plan.

6. Final Session (60 Minutes): - Final evaluation of your wellness journey. - Establishing sustainable health practices and routines. - Providing additional resources and support for ongoing health and well-being.

What to Expect:

- Personalized Care: Each session is tailored to your unique health needs, ensuring the most effective and individualized care.

- Continuous Support: Regular check-ins and adjustments to your health plan keep you on track and motivated.

- Holistic Approach: We address the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of your health, providing a well-rounded approach to healing.

Important Note: Herbal medicine and lab testing are not included in the package price. These will be discussed and recommended as needed during your sessions. Invest in your long-term health and well-being with our Ultimate Wellness Journey Package. Book your package today and take a significant step towards achieving and maintaining optimal health.

As a mother I know how devastating it is to see our children suffer

What people are saying about the healing protocol...

"I just wanted to give you guys an update on what we dealt with eczema wise for YEARS. We tried everything I knew to do and it was her whole body. We started the Detox, Fulvic, and Detox baths about 4-5 weeks ago and we have seen a HUGE difference!"

"I'm reaching out to thank you from the bottom of my heart. My daughter has had chronic severe eczema for 4 years. Making her life an absolute nightmare. We tried absolutely everything and nothing worked, if anything, it made it worse. I reached out to you and you advised me

to start giving her the Fulvic Mineral and the drops 3 times per day. In two weeks, her eczema is gone. GONE!

Her skin is finally healing"...

~Pure & Simple~

FREE Ebook

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The content on this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult with a qualified and licensed physician or other medical care provider, and follow their advice without delay regardless of anything read on this website.