Transforming your child's life with powerful, natural healing solutions

Here’s the life-changing secrets that reveals…

How You Can Create A Healthier Home & Family Without Giving Up Everything You Love!

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Pure & Simple: Healing through nature's gifts

Experience the joy of watching them thrive effortlessly!

Your family deserves to be the healthiest possible.

Let's explore the profound transformations that occur when these toxic burdens are alleviated and the body's nutritional needs are comprehensively met.

Your family deserves to be the healthiest possible.

Let's explore the profound transformations that occur when these toxic burdens are alleviated and the body's nutritional needs are comprehensively met.

Comprehensive Consult: Your Initial Path to Optimal Health

During the 60 minute Consult we will establish medical history and full health review. We will Review diet, supplements, medications & lifestyle patterns. We evaluate goals, go over any testing that may be necessary and determine the best suited protocol to obtain desired goals. Protocol includes a diet and herbal plan, as well as a plan for any lab work and emotional and spiritual counseling.

*Herbal medicines, lab testing, emotional and spiritual counseling fees are not included in the price of this consult.

Comprehensive Health Transformation Package

During the initial consult, we will establish everything included in the Comprehensive Consult. During the second consult, we will follow up on initial consult findings and protocol adjustments. Review and interpretation of any lab results, Refinement of diet, herbal remedies, and lifestyle recommendations based on progress and feedback. The third consult is a comprehensive assessment of progress and outcomes, Final adjustments to your personalized health plan and discuss long-term wellness strategies and maintenance tips to ensure sustained health improvements.

Ultimate Wellness Journey Package

The Ultimate Wellness Journey Package Includes everything in the Comprehensive Health Package with an additional 3 sessions to ensure you reach your goals. This package is tailored to your specific needs and will have continuous support and adjustments to your health plan to keep you on track and motivated. Each of the remaining 3 sessions will be tailored to your unique health needs, ensuring the most effective and individualized care. This package is designed to provide you with continuous support, personalized care, and expert guidance on your path to optimal health.

Comprehensive Consult: Your Initial Path to Optimal Health

During the 60 minute Consult we will establish medical history and full health review. We will Review diet, supplements, medications & lifestyle patterns. We evaluate goals, go over any testing that may be necessary and determine the best suited protocol to obtain desired goals. Protocol includes a diet and herbal plan, as well as a plan for any lab work and emotional and spiritual counseling.

*Herbal medicines, lab testing, emotional and spiritual counseling fees are not included in the price of this consult.

Comprehensive Health Transformation Package

During the initial consult, we will establish everything included in the Comprehensive Consult. During the second consult, we will follow up on initial consult findings and protocol adjustments. Review and interpretation of any lab results, Refinement of diet, herbal remedies, and lifestyle recommendations based on progress and feedback. The third consult is a comprehensive assessment of progress and outcomes, Final adjustments to your personalized health plan and discuss long-term wellness strategies and maintenance tips to ensure sustained health improvements.

Ultimate Wellness Journey Package

The Ultimate Wellness Journey Package Includes everything in the Comprehensive Health Package with an additional 3 sessions to ensure you reach your goals. This package is tailored to your specific needs and will have continuous support and adjustments to your health plan to keep you on track and motivated. Each of the remaining 3 sessions will be tailored to your unique health needs, ensuring the most effective and individualized care. This package is designed to provide you with continuous support, personalized care, and expert guidance on your path to optimal health.

What people are saying about working with these healing protocols...

Working with Allie....

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As a mother of 6, here is how I got started.....

As a devoted mother of six, my journey into the depths of health and wellness began under circumstances that would challenge any parent’s spirit. The turning point came when my youngest son experienced severe regression following his 12-month vaccines. Suddenly, we were navigating a world where terms like non-verbal communication, borderline autism, sensory processing disorders, food aversions, eczema, keratosis pilaris, head banging, and sleep disturbances became part of our daily vernacular. It was a heart-wrenching period, but it was also the beginning of a profound transformation.

The breakthrough came with the shocking realization that heavy metal toxicity, compounded by gut dysfunction, lay at the heart of my son’s struggles. Armed with this knowledge, we embarked on a healing journey that would not only challenge conventional wisdom but also redefine our understanding of health and recovery. Among the key tools we employed was PBX zeolite, a crucial element in detoxifying his body and restoring his health.

This experience ignited a passion within me to share our story and the lessons learned with as many mothers as possible. I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power of understanding and addressing the root causes of health issues, and I am committed to spreading this knowledge. Healing is not just a possibility; it’s a reality that I’ve lived.

~ Your Health Advocate

Allie Christine

Read more

Do Kids Need to Detox?

In today’s world, toxins are prevalent in the air we breathe, the food and water we consume, as well as in our everyday products. This can lead to toxin accumulation that can impact our health and well-being.

Karen Thomas Talks Autism...

Like most mothers concerned with their child’s well-being, Karen Thomas wanted her son to be happy and healthy. Getting there wasn’t easy. At the age of 10, her son was diagnosed with autism. Karen immediately sprang into action to find answers and a natural way to relieve the symptoms he struggled with.

5 Food Additives That Destroy Your Gut

Countless food and beverages at the grocery store contain a long list of ingredients. Many of which you would need an advanced degree in chemistry to know what they are. While some of these additives are safe, others can cause seriousharm to your gut health.

A Healthy Gut = A Happy Child

Did you know that we are all super-organisms? We share our bodies with several hundred microbial species and you and your family each have about 100 trillion bacteria currently lurking in your gut, on your tongue and on your skin. This is called your microbiome.

Avoid Food Dyes At All Costs

Artificial dyes are a common industry tactic to make food look more appealing. Kids will reach for rainbow-colored cereal over lackluster brown cereal any day. You may find yourself picking a jar of bright green pickles instead of a jar of dull, grayish ones. Food dyes are incredibly common.

A Complete Guide To Zeolite

There are many reasons why someone may start a zeolite detox. While some individuals choose to begin a detox because they are experiencing tell-tale symptoms like brain fog and fatigue, others may incorporate a detox into their wellness regimens to improve their quality of life.



~Pure & Simple~

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